Office Tab Free Editionは、シンプルで分かりやすい使用に特に設計を提供するブユーザーインタフェースMicrosoft Office 2010は、2007と2003ます。 ではまた、柔軟性と使い勝手を重視す、読む、編集、複数の事務書類のブウインドウです。
このプログラムは 7 つの賞を受賞しています
このソフトウエアはウイルス チェックの結果問題がありませんでした。こちらを クリックして そのレポートをご覧ください。
28.9 MB
Due to the popup every time, I don't like to recommend to download this software.
Very practical and useful for business users, the only flaw was that it did not provide a free version for Office 2013.
I downloaded this software (free version) to try it out. I get really upset with software that has a free label when it really isn't free but indeed a trial version that you can not get rid off continuous popups to upgrade even after you have uninstalled the program. Sad thing is that it could be a nice little piece of software that I would have maybe considered paying for if it wasn't for the underhanded programming involved. I would never recommend a software that does not allow you to uninstall with out major headaches. I still can not get rid of the nasty little popup every time I open word. Do not download this software!